Sunday, August 2, 2009


We went shopping today =] bught myself a nice pair of whate denim three quater length shorts =] bit dissapoitned I couldnt find a long sleeved shirt I liked though. Oh and a hat, which I intend to sow a czech flag badge to as soon as I can find one without czech republi written in czech underneath =]

Oh and about the pawn. We were setting up the extra large outdoors chess set at the Hostel in berlin and michael thought it was quicker to throw them too me, apparetly I was looking but blatently I was not... lol

I lost both the following games... I blame concussion...



  1. Really enjoying the blog and glad you're having such a good time - keep on flippin and floppin. D

  2. haha! i had a really great image of the gigantic pawn knocking you right over lol im impressed you went shopping lol and the shorts sound mucho coolio bananio :) looking forward to the next blog, this is my benly entertainment for the week as im lacking a full on squash game :P x
